Furnace Lake

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Furnace Lake is located in Oxford NJ in Warren County. It’s a small 53 acre lake. The boat launch is flat making it easy access for your kayak. With the lake being small and only electric motors and paddle crafts allowed this spot makes a great place for your first kayaking trip to get there. There are a few small coves to explore. The water is quite clear which gives way to some pretty cool drowned tree stumps that sit just below the surface of the lakes shallow waters. There are trails that surround the lake which make for great birding opportunities. There is good fishing in this small western NJ lake as well.


Kayak NJ Furnace Lake Never paddled this lake before. Saw plenty of fish and ducks. There are plenty of spots to explore along the shoreline. Going right from the boat launch the shoreline ducks into a little cove only a few inches deep-plenty of water for my kayak. On the Southern end of the lake a stream flows out of the lake but is blocked by debris. Nice place to paddle.