Paddling with Jeremy

Why do i paddle? Paddling is all about the human experience. I have such profound experiences when I am on the water. Each trip is a new and exciting adventure. Paddling is all about being on the water and being a part of the wild around me. I’m completely immerse myself in my surroundings – I feel the sun on my face, i hear the breeze blowing through the trees and tall grasses at the waters edge. I smell the aroma of blossoming trees and flowers. I watch as the late afternoon light dimmer off the water like jewels. I marvel at the the reflection of the great blue heron as it wades in the water and in that moment it suddenly takes to the air. At every turn nature is painting a work of art just as masterful as any of the great artists in history. Paddling renews, reinvigorates, and teaches me every time i am out on the river. I appreciate more and have a deeper understanding for what is around me. It drives me to advocate for the protection and preservation of our wild and open spaces by sharing my experiences through my photos and videos. My hope is that together we can work collectively to keep our wild areas open for future generations.


Where is Jeremy?